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Disney Infinity 3.0: Twilight of the Republic Opening
Storyboards I created for the opening sequence of Disney Infinity 3.0: Twilight of the Republic
Disney Infinity 3.0: Twilight of the Republic - Padme
Storyboards I created for a sequence of Disney Infinity 3.0: Twilight of the Republic
Disney Infinity 3.0: Twilight of the Republic - Padme 2
The final version of the introduction to Padme scene in Disney Infinity 3.0: Twilight of the Republic Play Set
Disney Infinity 2.0: Guardians of the Galaxy
A scene for which I created storyboards, and directed the animation, lighting, effects, and voice talent.
Disney Infinity 3.0: Twilight of the Republic - Cad Bane
A scene for which I directed the cameras, effects, voice talent, and animation in the Disney Infinity 3.0: Twilight of the Republic Play Set
Disney Infinity Pirates of the Caribbean Play Set
Scenes I wrote and directed for the Pirates of the Caribbean Play Set in Disney Infinity
Chicken Little 2: Ace in Action
This is a scene for which I helped with writing and layout for Chicken Little 2: Ace in Action.
Hannah Montana Spotlight: World Tour
I wrote all the cinematics for this game. I also directed the voice talent and motion capture for the scenes.
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